Here is a gallery depicting our clubhouse, member activities, as well as certain shows.
More images will be added!
This is the view that greets anyone who enters our clubhouse during an open house.
In the front of our facility, there is a Train Playtable that allows younger children to satisfy their needs to play.
To leave our facility, you must exit via the same door you entered. Please take the time to sign our guestbook on the podium!
Club members are expected to be aware of their train's status at all times when running. Here, two members are doing just that.
Every Tuesday is set aside for the club to hold a work night and social hour, with the 1st Tuesday of each month set aside for a business meeting.
One thing our members have access to for their convenience, is a computer with an interface used to program features on their locomotives.
Halloween Slideshow
This year for the Fairfield Halloween Fest
we had over 902 visitors! Here are some!
Winter Holidays Slideshow
Our clubhouse decked out for Christmas, and a visit from Santa himself!
Division Show Slideshow
A few pics from the show & sale. Engineer Jack at the switching puzzle and a pic of another group, Kids Run Trains.